Monday, February 28, 2011

Kat Von D is launching her own clothing line- sneak peek! - hits stores in Fall 2011

My favorite celebrity, Kat Von D (tattoo artist from the TLC shows Miami Ink and LA Ink and now notoriously engaged to Jesse James) will be launching her own clothing line in the fall. Oh happy day! According to her twitter, the designs "[will] be in stores world wide. Everything from Dept stores to boutiques! :)" (Feb. 27th.) I'm squeeling! I know I'm supposed to be all about the bargains, but I will have to splurge on her stuff. Here are some previews she tweeted:

I am digging the skirt, although I am shy about wearing long skirts, because I am very short.

For the most part, it looks like it cam straight out of her closet, which for me is exciting. I want the leggings with the sheer "windows" and the Captain's jacket.


What do you think of it? Comment!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ultimate Fashion Icon: Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix vest

The coolest.

6 Different Ways to Wear a Silky Nightgown (outside of the bedroom!)

Right now sheer and chiffon fabrics are showing up on runways and all over street fashion blogs. Several designers featured semi-sheer leopard designs in their runway shows at Fashion Week. (In fact, the pants from the Betsey Johnson show appear to be in the same exact print or fabric as the nightgown I am using). My favorite item of clothing is this semi-sheer leopard nightgown. Here are a few ways in which I put it to use.

Hope this inspires you!


#1. Loose, as is.

The first, and most obvious, way to wear an item like this is loose and flowy, perhaps with leather leggings or skinny jeans. It can also function as a dress.


#2. Swimsuit cover-up.

[caption id="attachment_484" align="alignnone" width="490" caption="The sunglasses are designer lookalikes that I got at a 99cent store in Las Vegas."][/caption]

I've clipped it in the back to give a more formfitting silhouette. Just throw it on with a pair of sunglasses and sandals and you're ready to go from the beach to the boardwalk! I wore this as my cover-up at the beach in Rhode Island and in Maryland, and I actually got quite a few compliments and people asking me where I got it.


#3. Belted, as a dress or tunic.

[caption id="attachment_485" align="alignnone" width="490" caption="The belt was around $9 from Body Central."][/caption]

Throw a belt on it, and it's instantly awesome.


#4. Tied or tucked, as a blouse.

I like to tie a knot on the side, but you could also just tuck the shirt into your pants or skirt. Long necklaces pair well with loose fitting blouses, so I've placed one on the dressform.


#5. With a vest.

[caption id="attachment_488" align="alignnone" width="490" caption="This is a $3 velvet GAP vest I got from the Salvation Army on 50% off day."][/caption]

Buttoned, or...

Unbuttoned, for a more Janis Joplin kinda look.


#6. With a blazer.

Here, I've paired it with my red velvet blazer that I got at a bag sale ($2 for a big paper grocery ball full). Looks pretty classy!


So, there's (at least) 6 ways to wear one top! Maximize your functionality, and also maximize your money!

The nightgown I used was around $3 or $4, and is by New York & Co.

Be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Featured Fashion Icon: Vampira (Maila Nurmi)

My all time favorite band The Misfits dedicated a song to this mistress of the dark: "Two inch nails / Micro waist / With a pale white feline face / Inclination eyebrows to there." That snippet of the song's lyrics pretty much sums it up. Vampira was a character developed by the great Finnish beauty Maila Nurmi. Vampira was one of the great horror TV hosts (like Elvira), the first to be exact, making her TV debut in 1954. She starred in Ed Wood's disastrous (but oh-so-good) Plan 9 From Outerspace. Her tradmarks are her tiny cinched waist and her harshly arched eyebrows. She's iconic.

I may have already featured her, but this bears repeating. Her look has been an inpiration to the goth and horror-punk scenes.

Yesterday's Outfit: I have a cold.

I am wearing a few-years-old leopard cardi from H&M that I bought from the H&M store in New York ($16?), a thrifted Express button up collared shirt ($3, CVAS Thrift Store), and thrifted Converse jeans ($6, Goodwill).


I have had a pretty bad cold for the past few days. Definitely not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I decided to leave the house for the first time in two days today (well, yesterday now) to venture out to a thrift store... and was delighted to discover that they were having a bag sale! Fill a bag with clothing for $5. Not bad, but they seemed to be pretty well picked over as far as cool stuff goes, so I shared the bag with my sister. I got a seventies track sweater, which is pretty awesome. I am in need of funds, so I am debating whether or not to sell it.

I can't wait until it gets nicer outside! I can't seem to get any good pictures indoors. I live in a small, crowded house with poor lighting. Also, I always make a weird face when cameras flash. I can't explain it. I just look better sans flash.

I am considering doing prodect reviews for the blog. So, with that in mind, I bought a "ball" of that nifty lip balm by EOS that I saw on Michelle Phan's YouTube, and after only hours of possessing this awesome lip balm, my dog found it and chewed it up. He really loves lip balm. (If you want to try it I found it for sale in the checkout lanes of Wal*Mart.) So, I will have to buy another, since it smelled so good and my lips are hurtin' for balm. I hate winter! I also feel it necessary to express my dire need for a camera tripod. Where can I get a cheap one? Been scouring eBay.

Today I am hooked on the song Heads Will Roll by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs.

Thrifty Finds: Lips Clutch from Salvation Army

I got this little clutch on a Wednesday, where all apparel is 50% off (except for the tag color of the week). It was originally $0.99, but I got it for $0.50. It reminds me of Betsey Johnson, who I've been writing about a lot lately.

It's fun, funky, and kitschy and for $0.50, well worth the cost! I've only used it a few times. I am very forgetful and pretty much need a purse with a strap or else I will sit it down somewhere and forget all about it. I know, I'm a mess.

The lips look identical (well may to the ones Betsey Johnson clutch:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Unfortunately couldn't find a retail price for this."][/caption]

It is also a bit reminscent of those Lulu Guinness bags that are really popular with the celebrities (they are pretty sweet...):

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="421" caption="This one, encrusted in Swarovski crystals, retails at over $1,100. "][/caption]


New York Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week 2011 - Betsey Johnson Fall 2011 Collection

Click here for photo stills of each outfit in the ready-to-wear collection.

Despite having faced bankruptcy last year (the line was saved by Steve Madden), Betsey Johnson still delivers an amazing collection for Fall 2011. She has incorporated many of the current trends (like the use of silky and sheer fabrics for maxi skirts) but makes them her own (puce green leopard print) as always. I love the silky leopard pants. What are your favorites?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can you ever be "too old" for your style?

A few days ago, I was sitting in the dental chair of my dentist's office waiting to have my molars grinded down and filled (they're too deep, apparently.) I decided to dress up since I rarely have any real occasions to do so in my post-college pre-good job life, so I wore my sheer chiffon leopard tunic with a red velvet blazer over top, skinny jeans, and my knee-high boots. One of the dental assistants commented that she liked the outfit, but said that she's too much of an "old fuddy-duddy" now to wear something like it. She was probably in her late twenties at most, and yet she called herself an old fuddy-duddy? I wanted to tell her she could wear whatever she wanted, but by that point my mouth was full of dental equipment. I started thinking about my own age. Will I be too old for my clothes in five or six years? What a scary thought...

This is a question that has been on my mind for a long time. Can a person age out of of their style? Should we have to abandon our styles as we get older, in favor of arbitrary "age appropriate" ones? My heart wants to say no. But, it's a little bit more complicated than that.

Last year, I wrote a rhetoric essay on the implications that make-over shows like "What Not to Wear" place on clothing and appearance. In the essay, I discussed the way the hosts Stacy and Clinton present clothing as a kind of undeniable social marker. If someone dresses sloppy, society will equate them as sloppy, you get the drift. The show stresses the need for clothing to match the person, in terms of age, gender, and career status. Women in their thirties are chastized for wearing tight-fitting mini-skirts and "club" clothes because those things aren't "age appropriate." To me, that kind of takes a lot of the fun out of fashion. Yes, we wear clothing primarily out of nesessity - for warmth and protection from the elements, but if you have to wear something, and you have the means, have fun with it! Dress in a way that makes you happy, don't dress to please others.

I think that these make-over shows have greatly influenced our outlook on fashion and age. If you look at old family photos or watch old movies, people were still wearing polka-dots, cat-eye glasses, silk circle skirts, and kitten heels well into their thirties, forties, and fifties. Your life doesn't end when you get older.

Sometimes certain styles are inappropriate.

Now, there certainly are situations where we need to fit into the "What Not to Wear" rules. Never, never, NEVER walk into a job interview for an exectutive position wearing a pair of dirty sweatpants. There are times when dressing "richly" and "professionally" can benefit us. Society (as in the job interviewers) will likely view you as more professional when you wear tailored slacks and a crisp white button up blouse, as opposed to the dirty sweatpants (yes, no shirt).

So outside of work-related situations and other scenarios where your clothing can make a difference, why can't a twenty-two year old dress like a Japanese gothic lolita from Harajuku street? Is twenty-two really that old? (I happen to be twenty-two right now!) Here is my observation and point of contingency with this whole dressing appropriately theory: From the time we are born to the last moment of being underage (of-age being 18 or possibly 21) we are subject to the clothing guidelines of our parents and guardians, and are expected not to dress in a way that is too adult, so nothing too sexy or vulgar. But, ironically, dressing seductively has become so quintesentially "teenaged." Now that I am above age, and legally an adult in every way, I want to finally wear what I want to wear, so I do, but I have my grandmother and the voices of Stacey and Clinton haunting me about "dressing appropriately."

For work situations, I aim for classy but chic business attire. Nothing with too much excitement but enough to catch a potential employer's attention in a positive way. I don't bring a huge amount of my personal style into this. Now, I feel that a person should make clear distinctions between work and non-work life. So, work aside, shouldn't I be able to dress how I want during my free time? Even my boyfriend made a comment that I looked "too much like a teenager" on one occasion. That irked me. Teenage fashion greatly mimics what's hot in adult fashion. It's what's marketable to teenagers, because they want to be adults. (I suppose in some areas of the market, it works the other way around as well, but shush with that.)

The point I am trying to make here is that as long as the style in question isn't hurting a person's chance at advancing in her career, then have at it! How we dress in our free time is our business. Now, that's not to say that dressing like a giant baby isn't creepy, but hey, it's none of my business.

Have fun with fashion!

Betsey Johnson (pictured at right) is in her sixties and she's still dressing like a sixteen year old. Ugh, I can hear Stacey and Clinton haunting me with their words again. They would say that people like fashion designers and rock stars are allowed to dress crazily because of their careers. Yeah, they can get away with it without catching as much flack as you or I would, but why should they have all the fun? Break the fashion rules! Wear white after labor day! Mix brown with black! Pair plaid with stripes! Dress "young," and "old"! Have fun, because our time in this existence (at least in our current forms) is limited. I think that dressing like a crazy maniac adds to the fun.

If your style does change as you age, it should be a natural progression and evolution of your personal taste. Women over sixty shouldn't have to ditch their beloved style in favor of short, permed hair cuts and pastel polyester slacks. And, seriously, the argument of "wouldn't you feel silly being an old lady and dressing like a young person?" doesn't fly. Old people are already silly.

So, what are your thoughts? What styles should be limited to "young" people? Comment, tweet, digg!

If you'd like to swap blog links, feel free to message me! I'd love to share with fellow fashion bloggers.

6 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet -- and how to maintain it!

It was 72 degrees outside today! That is madness for February. Spring is coming, so why not check out this article I wrote last year and get started on your own spring clean-up!

6 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet -- and how to maintain it!.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thrifty Finds: How much is $1 worth?

A ring! I apologize in advance for the webcam pics. My real camera won't turn on (eeeek!), and updates are needed!

Thrifty alert!! Michael's (the craft store) has these cool floral roses in several varieties for only $1 each. I bought two. Here's the one I wore today:

Grainy picture, but it's a gem atop a rose decal, with fancy metalwork.

I have two!

I also got three clip in fabric hair flowers for $1 each. (My hair is getting so long that I've been lazy with it, so I am trying to spice it up a bit. Seriously, my hair is only an inch or two from my butt. I love it but it gets sooo knotty. I am considering getting it layered to make it more manageable but I have bad luck with hair stylists.)

Last week, my boyfriend and I decided to go to the big antique store near his house. When I say big, I mean five buildings big. We only went into two, but here's what I found:

Only $2!!!!!!!!!

It was only $2! The stone is actually a thin hollow piece of celluloid, so it's fragile, but cool nonetheless. It was falling off, so I used my super glue pen and fixed it. It's a very cool, dramatic piece with a chunky chain. (Alliteration!)

A dollar can go a long way if you know where to look!

If you like this post, comment, digg it, tweet it, whatever floats your boat -- anything helps get the word out about my blog!

Street style round-up: Harajuku, Leopard print, Marie Antoinette, High-waisted shorts and more!

As always, I share with you some looks I thought were neat. Let's see why these looks work so we can try them ourselves!


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="563" caption="A lot of people make Japanese fashion trends look tacky, but this girl wears it well. I think it's a very cool idea to take a shirt-dress, like the pink and white plaid one she's wearing, and wear is as an open jacket. Especially good if you aren't quite ready to wear a tight fitting dress on its own."]Natsi W. of[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="576" caption="There are a lot of things I like going on in this photo: silky button up blouse, cardigan sweater, side braid, and simple make-up. This outfit looks effortless and not overdone, which is a feat, considering that leopard print jeans had their run of popularity and run the risk of looking tacky. I've had my eye on a pair for awhile, but never made the purchase. I have a pair of red and black ones (the ones from the Miley Cyrus/Max Azria collection) and have yet to let them see the sunlight. This look inspires me, though. The loose fit and Buddy Holly-ness of the cardigan balance balance out the leopard pants. Likewise, she's kept her hair and makeup simple."]Rose B. of[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="433" caption="So, this isn't an outfit you'd wear to the grocery store or to work, but it has some pretty cool elements. If only we could always dress so fun! This outfit is Marie Antoinette inspired, with a high piled updo and pastel colors. Again, we see a sweater over a button up blouse. The top half is simple, so she's chosen a more dramatic hosiery... Or maybe those hearts are just glued on? Either way, so good."]Anina M. of[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="550" caption="I really love those tights."]Devreaux J. on[/caption]

So, I am getting bored with Creative looks are few and far between and mostly everyone must be rich to afford a zillion pairs of Jeffrey Cambell shoes. Those things can be like $500.

If you like this post, comment, digg it, tweet it, whatever floats your boat -- anything helps get the word out about my blog!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dreams do come true...

A girl from my area was featured in the newspaper for being chosen to attend NY Fashion Week! Here's the link to the article.

She worked hard, got a blogging gig with Chictopia's "Everyone is Ugly" blog, and clearly made an impression, seeing as how she was chosen to go to Fashion Week. This is a very prestigious honor. Fashion week is invite only.

This inspires me to start working much harder, because I'd love to make this fashion blogging thing serious. If you work hard enough, you can get where you want to go. And baby, I wanna go! I'm a college graduate who is currently going... nowhere. (Except crazy. I work at Dollar Tree, come 'on people.)

Let's all make a belated New Year's resolution: Stop trying to please others, because that's a game you can't win. It may sound self-serving, but strive to please yourself. Work toward the goals YOU want to achieve. It won't be easy, but we'll all be a lot happier if we do what we love, not just what we have to do. Now, I'm not going to quit my Dollar Tree "gig" (ick, sounds gross just typing that) but I am going to focus less effort on stressing myself out about the entire weight of the world, and transfer that energy into this blog, and all of my other writing. Buying, selling, and sharing fashion is something I love, and I know I am not alone. Let's make this work!

If you like this post, comment, digg it, tweet it, whatever floats your boat -- anything helps get the word out about my blog!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Vintage Inspiration: Golden Girls!

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="340" caption="Reminds you of Kiera Knightly, right?"][/caption]

Rue McClanahan (yeah, Blanche on the Golden Girls) looking absolutely gorgeous. You can understand why her GG character was so conceited. She was a true beauty! She is pictured wearing a lacy bustier.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="448" caption="She rocked those dimples."][/caption]

Betty White, who happens to be very popular right now, in her youth. She really was gorgeous.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Just a girl here..."][/caption]

Bea Arthur looks great as well! She really was a pretty woman! I love her hair here.

[caption id="attachment_314" align="alignnone" width="490" caption="Posing in a swimsuit."][/caption]

This is Estelle Getty, who portrayed Sophia on the GG. A great vintage swimsuit!

If you like this post, comment, digg it, tweet it, whatever floats your boat -- anything helps get the word out about my blog!