Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New etsy store, The Betwixt Boutique

So, I decided I wanted to create a more recognizable image for my etsy shop. I made a new one, and this time I named it "The Betwixt Boutique."

Here are some of the lovely vintage items you'll find in my shop:

I've haven't been much of a fashionista lately, if I'm honest. I started a new job in March at an optometry office. This is my first job that I've actually worked full-time. I find it hard to much of anything after work, because I work long hours. There's little reason to put anything nice or exciting on. I'd like to find some less boring work clothes -- especially pants. It's a work in progress.

I promise I will post some personal outfits soon. I swear!

1 comment:

  1. Working a new full-time job and trying to stay on top of fashion is not easy! It's good you are allowing yourself some time to realize your routines before you start shaking things up in something sassy.

    Why I worked full time I found that jackets were my friend. With temperatures in a constant state of flux at the office - and then going outside at lunch- it was nice to have something to slip on, or off. I also utilized my scarf collection. Its amazing how the same top and pants or skirt can change with a different scarf (or brooch!).

    My fondest fashion moment at my last job came when a girl said to me "I don't think I have ever seen you wear the same outfit twice". Of course I had, but because I constantly changed what I wore with them, it seemed different.

    I also had a lot of people tell me that they never wore brooches and scarves. I think they thought it was "old-fashioned". While my looks tend to go for a more classic/retro style, I think that there are a lot of fun and modern ways to incorporate a scarf or a brooch into a look.

    I find that boring office pants usually come in three colors - brown and black and khaki. If you can find a pair of navy, grey, or a sage green pant, snag it. I was able to really broaden my wardrobe by addling those colors into it.

    My other favorite bit of office wear - boots. Love the boot. I felt like that helped to change out my look when I was wearing the same top and pants/skirt.
