Friday, June 4, 2010

Help out the Gulf Coast!

Everyone's heard about the oil spill crisis in the US Gulf Coast by now... and everyone seems bent on pointing the finger of blame on someone. What is really scary are the photos of wildlife literally drowning in the muck:

Anyone would agree that this is just horrifying. This website offers six ways to help out.

Not all of us can go on-site and volunteer, but there are other ways to help.

Matter of Trust is collecting monetary donations as well as donations of hair (like from barbers and hair salons), fur (like sheep's wool or alpaca fur), feathers, and nylon to help sop up the oil. How thrifty! Even donating just $1 through PayPal helps! Hell, any amount helps!

The Audobon Society is also working to help the wildlife affected by the oil spill. They are accepting credit card donations online as well as donations through regular mail. Here is the mailing adress:

  • National Audubon Society
    225 Varick Street
    New York, NY 10014
    Attn: Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster

If we all mailed in at least a $1 bill, we'd make a difference. You won't miss $1, and you'll know that you've done something to help. Please consider it!

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